Quinoa Savory Breakfast

Like most people, I love food. There's a difference between loving food and loving to eat. Most people I've realized that say they love food actually mean they love to eat. Eating can be anything from junk food to fast food. As my food pallet has increased, I've realized more and more the overall difference between loving food and loving to eat. 

"I love food," I would hear from many of my American friends as they wold gobble down a Big Mac or Tyson Chicken sandwich. Food should not just be something we simply consume but something that was made and prepared naturally, beautifully, and clean. If you love food, you want to nurture it. Just like an artist. An artist would never hurry through something, slap a few blobs down and call it art. No, an artist sits there, figures out the meaning and symbolism. They draw or paint a few lines and slowly bring them together. Of course they can do this in a quicker sense depending on how detailed a painting will be, but it's the exact same with food! 

We Are Women.

To all the "Relationship goal" women out there. 

Brave and beautiful, beyond our makeup, and fashion sense.
We are not insecure. 
We are strong. Courageous and independent.
We don't need someone to be fulfilled, but instead find fulfillment in making a difference, in being who we are. I mean... let's face it. Independence is sexy. 
Don't just stare into your computer screen, envying your friends marriages and pregnancies, for what seems to be the perfect life is anything but perfect.
So get off the couch and shut down facebook, there are places to see.
Finish college and get that degree. Finish high school and focus on art.
We women are not just future wives, but will shape the future with our brains and not our looks, (although intelligence looks damn good on us ;))
We are women that succeed with intelligence.
Not just in books but every kind. 
To know the world open-mindedly. To see cultures. To travel... alone.
We are women.

A New Approach: Missions

I was a missionary for a year and a half. Now I know thats not a lot compared to other missionaries but what I witnessed and endured during my time in Iceland has impacted me and helped me realize what missions is and isn't and how the church needs to be more open minded to what missions is and isn't.

This is also for missionaries or people interested in missions. There are things I've learned while being on the field that I want to share with you. Now, I'm sure not all missionaries would agree with me, it depends on the culture they are in, where they come from, and their background as well. For the most part, this is what I've experienced living in a 1st world country. Please hear me out, and understand that I don't mean to offend anyone but feel like something needs to be done about certain mission matters. If we are to continue having missionaries, then we must be more open to change traditional ways.  

If I'm so over this, then why am I experiencing intense anxiety over a profile picture? 

For a while now, I've been hiding a story. It's a story I've been wanting to share for quite a while but never found the time or strength to write it. At first, I thought it wasn't really anyone's business. Often, people don't like the topic of sexual violence as it can cause intense feelings and emotions, but let's face it... sexual violence is happening all around us, every day to both men and women. Being an activist for the sexually abused and trafficked, I find it hypocritical of me to hide my story. It's not a story of shame but a story of redemption and identity. Am I proud of it? Of course not, but I wouldn't change what happened. 

This is who I am, this is my story. 

I felt more at peace as we continued back up, around, and down the mountain. However, knowing what awaited us at the end caused anxiety to creep in. 

My shoes weren’t the best. The shoelaces were tangled and in knots.  Constantly, I had to stop to fix them, that or I was constantly tripping. Either way, I was thrilled when we made it back to the steady path instead of the unpredictable mountain rocks.

We Are Infinite: Vertigo

I'm pretty sure I kept saying "I'm sorry," over and over again.

During that moment, I was also trying to prove something to myself.  It had to do with independence and bravery, and especially being a strong women. Being made out to be weak is one of my biggest pet peeves, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. 

"I don't care if you don't want to be like other girls. If you can't do something don't." I vaguely remember Graham saying. He was so right, even though I probably would have tried regardless. I blindly walked into something that never should have happened. 

We Are Infinite: A Current Too Deep

I sit in my bed for awhile, aching, not wanting to get up. It was 5:30am and the idea of flying with layovers did not sound pleasant. I get up, shower, pack the remaining items, make breakfast, double check times, then mentally try to prepare myself for the new journey ahead.

I've been in shock for awhile. I can't deny that. Shock is one of those things you can't explain. Your mind numbs, your body aches, and sometimes you find it hard to breathe. 

I don't like being weak, and if I've learned anything from this weekend, that it's ok to breakdown.

Icelandic Quirks

Welcome to my first blog post of the year!

My last blog post was written almost a year ago... sad I know, but you can only deal with blogspot for so long before you realize how terrible of a blogging site it is. So I decided to create a new blog site where I can post more information regarding myself and talk more in depth about my adventures, and travels in Iceland. 

I am going to try and write updates/stories at least every other week! I'm not promising anything, life in Iceland can get busy so there may be some months where you won't see any update, however; lets hope that doesn't happen.