All in General


I was in need of rest, rest from my mind and rest from the lies that somehow creeped back into my mind after years of being free. How do you recover when your mind relapses? I was a mess and I was broken. Life in Nashville was difficult for me. Returning to the states is never easy and reverse culture shock hits you hard. I'm still dealing with it and processing situations that happened a year ago. It sucks, and to be in Iceland of all places is even more crazy. 

A New Approach: Missions

I was a missionary for a year and a half. Now I know thats not a lot compared to other missionaries but what I witnessed and endured during my time in Iceland has impacted me and helped me realize what missions is and isn't and how the church needs to be more open minded to what missions is and isn't.

This is also for missionaries or people interested in missions. There are things I've learned while being on the field that I want to share with you. Now, I'm sure not all missionaries would agree with me, it depends on the culture they are in, where they come from, and their background as well. For the most part, this is what I've experienced living in a 1st world country. Please hear me out, and understand that I don't mean to offend anyone but feel like something needs to be done about certain mission matters. If we are to continue having missionaries, then we must be more open to change traditional ways.  

If I'm so over this, then why am I experiencing intense anxiety over a profile picture? 

For a while now, I've been hiding a story. It's a story I've been wanting to share for quite a while but never found the time or strength to write it. At first, I thought it wasn't really anyone's business. Often, people don't like the topic of sexual violence as it can cause intense feelings and emotions, but let's face it... sexual violence is happening all around us, every day to both men and women. Being an activist for the sexually abused and trafficked, I find it hypocritical of me to hide my story. It's not a story of shame but a story of redemption and identity. Am I proud of it? Of course not, but I wouldn't change what happened. 

This is who I am, this is my story.